Join us for the GALACTICA Projects Pitch and Networking Event on the 27th of October at 11:00-12:30 CEST for free!
We are glad to invite you to attend the special pitching and networking event organised under Galactica, a project aiming to support the creation of new industrial value chains around textile and aerospace. Join us on the 27th of October at 11:00-12:30 CEST to see 6 promising high-tech projects that can help change the textile and aerospace sectors!
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The GALACTICA Projects are new industrial value chains derived by the combination of textile and aerospace sectors and enabled by advanced manufacturing. This has allowed the generation of new market opportunities, a boost in the revenues and improved productivity.
Two kinds of projects are showcased:
- Pioneer Projects, that were supported in the development of a Minimum Viable Product connecting two or more of the sectors (aerospace, textile, advanced manufacturing)
- Orbital Projects, that were supported in the implementation of functional prototypes and demonstrators for new cross-sectoral value chains, connecting two or more of the sectors (aerospace, textile, advanced manufacturing), while funding the integration of non-technological innovations for speeding up market match
Agenda of the event:
- 11.00-11.50 am CEST Pitch session: 3 min project pitch & 2 min Q&A from jury
- 11.50-12.30 am CEST Wonder networking session: All projects from GALACTICA will attend the session and you will be able to talk directly to them
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Which companies will pitch?
will develop and validate a full traceability software specialized in manual operations, so that it can detect immediately and automatically any deviation that indicates a high probability of quality defect.
ABEP Kreios Space
will optimise the compression rate, efficiency and weight of an air intake through the application of advanced manufacturing methods. The air intake is a key part of the Air-Breathing Electric Propulsion (ABEP) system for satellites that Kreios Space is developing.
offers an effective and material solution for objects that suffer high impact forces. It is a light material, flexible, ease to apply, with good thermal characteristics. It improves the level of protection against debris, by increasing the life span of the satellite and reduce their maintenance.
aims at developing and validating in relevant environment an advanced additive technology for manufacturing of bi/tri metallic interface applied to rocket engines and the aerospike nozzle engine, the most demanding chemical propulsion system.
Circular Functional Clean Tech Textiles by RubyMoon, Longworth
& Recuprenda
will enable the creation of high value SMART textiles for new thermally insulated water sports clothing. Using the resulting reclaimed polyamide and combining additives of performance enhancing materials for durability and increased life cycle, as well as low carbon impact.
MVRPT by the Magos
& VR Pilot
will integrate the Magos gloves into VRflow platform. This collaboration will push the VR pilot training even further, by providing a more effective and productive training method, since pilots can interact via their fingers, as they would in the real world.