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Galactica’s First Newsletter is now Published!

The GALACTICA project, launched in September 2020, aims to bring Europe to the forefront of the textile and aerospace sectors. This project consists of a cross-regional partnership across eight EU countries that involves eight innovation clusters from advanced manufacturing, aerospace, and textile industries, one investor network, and one business incubator and accelerator.

The project fosters the creation of unidentified or unexplored market opportunities for existent and new companies in developing latent and emergent value chains. It will overcome information and market failures by gathering together companies from diverse industrial sectors, R&D organizations, clusters, and bringing to life a set of tools, instruments, and triggering initiatives that will create a basis for establishing new value chains across textile and aerospace industries.

In these first six months, GALACTICA has supported the textile and aerospace SMEs by introducing activities that combine different competencies, innovative solutions and funding schemes. The project’s first newsletter gives a global overview of what has been done so far.

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