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DLT4ALL journey into exploring and explaining Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology keeps going


DLT4ALL journey into exploring and explaining Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology keeps going.

Started in January 2018, DLT4ALL wishes to address the gaps of European entrepreneurs, students, angel-investors and incubator managers in understanding and exploiting Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies. In fact, despite significant interest in the field several actors manifested troubles in approaching the topic and gaining hands-on knowledge on how to teach and implement Blockchain-based solutions. In response, DLT4ALL aims to deploy an interactive learning curriculum to facilitate and scale the adoption of this groundbreaking innovation.

After one and a half exciting years focused on gathering inputs from stakeholder groups, the DLT4All project is about to complete the development of the 8-module curriculum and has already selected and published 25 case studies on various blockchain applications.

The case studies are available on DLT4ALL official website and represent a valuable tool to empower students, angel investors, start-ups and incubator managers to think critically and master practically the topics covered by the program. They bring forward evidence and outcomes of how DLT is reforming processes in industries such as wealth management, investing and payments, healthcare, logistics and more. Each case study highlights the core functionalities of the technology, its benefits for final users and service providers, as well as the limitations of the solution as currently implemented. They illustrate both failed projects and success stories, trying to pinpoint what worked and what was overlooked in each venture. There are stories of investing platforms that fund projects based on tokenized voting rights that eliminate intermediaries and agency costs, examples of how transaction security and privacy are brought to the next level thanks to ring signatures, as well as lessons of transparency in public bodies via smart contracts and encryption. Of course, not every cloud is a silver lining: Blockchain is still a largely unexplored space and many of its real-life uses are still in the pilot or non-commercial stage, meaning that they require substantial technical expertise, are subject to shifts in regulation, and are difficult to forecast whether they will be scalable and to what extent.

Nonetheless, the case studies are a core part of DLT4ALL effort to spread the word on the countless and virtuous applications of Blockchain. Check them out here ???? and stay tuned for more!



Case Studies