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DLT4All Goes live! DLT at your fingertips

Always wanted to understand Blockchain? Here is your chance!

DLT4All makes learning about blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies easy. Discover the online platform now!

Contribute to the uptake of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies through an innovative online course covering cutting-edge topics such as encryption techniques, smart contracts, digital signatures, dApps, and more in 8 modules. The course targets students, entrepreneurs, investors and innovators of any background. Discover practical cases showing how Blockchain and DLTs are being used in different industries.

Complete this course and the final exam and receive an official certification of 4 ECT, and more!

The MOOC is fully and freely available on this platform:

To access the learning material, create an account and start learning.

What is the purpose of DLT4ALL?

The purpose behind the DLT4All project is to address effectively the lack of European entrepreneurs’ and SMEs’, students’, investors’ and incubator managers’ understanding of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT) and their applications.

While DLT and Blockchain can have significant economic and social impact, many European entrepreneurs, angel investors and incubator managers are still not aware of the potential benefits the adoption of these technologies can offer in terms of growth and innovation.

Additionally, while many European Higher Education Institutes have shown interest in blockchain, their curricula lack real-world cases from the business, investor and startup worlds that will allow them to deeply understand and analyse state-of-the-art applications and blockchain-based technologies’ innovation potentials.