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ACCESS.SPACE Alliance calls for extraordinary measures to support the small satellite sector and counteract Covid-19 crisis

London, UK, 24 March 2020 – In view of these difficult times when the Coronavirus ‘Covid-19’ is threatening lives and the economic future of many, the ACCESS.SPACE Alliance, which represents the small satellite sector and its stakeholders, expresses its worries and concerns on the effects of the current crisis for our members  and the wider Space ecosystem.
Since Covid-19 has become a global pandemic, the NewSpace ecosystem, including some of our members, are facing the following challenges in their day-to-day operations:

ACCESS.SPACE also notes that due to the current crisis global telecommunications networks have been facing unprecedented strain leading to data speed disruption and service level degradation at a time when connectivity is critical to keep the economy running, inform and educate the public and coordinate the battle against the virus. Although no major outages have occurred so far, the risk of such – whether by congestion or unavailability of workforce or spare parts – is growing as the pandemic spreads, calling for more disaster-resilient communication networks. Satellite-based communication networks by design are largely independent from terrestrial infrastructure and hence should play a greater role in disaster communication strategies supporting disaster mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery.
ACCESS.SPACE applauds ongoing efforts to deal with the virus crisis and mitigate its substantial socio-economic impact. We recommend taking extraordinary measures to counteract the crisis and anticipate long term consequences. Public support for RD&I remains critical and may well be the only option for startups and SMEs during these difficult economic times. Among the measures that should be implemented with a sense of urgency are:

ACCESS.SPACE wishes to thank institutions, governments and agencies for their actions, and for in taking requests from our members for support into account. We are taking our share in the global efforts to deal with the current virus crisis. We suggest reflecting on its consequences and seeking to transform the crisis into an opportunity to promote more sustainable behaviors and lower ecological footprint. We remain at the disposal for any consultation related to the above and are happy to work with other stakeholders to help our members implementing appropriate measures.


Press Contact
Harry Pirrwitz, harry@ciceroandfriends or call +44 (0)73 9252 5980

The ACCESS.SPACE Alliance is an international industry body uniting the small satellite sector formed to promote a viable and self-sustaining ecosystem and to encourage and advocate for the development of the same. We comment with authority and credibility on behalf of our members on policy as well as technical and commercial issues related to the small satellite industry. We foster collaboration by creating dialogue and awareness, address key issues to develop the sector and promote policies and standards on matters that concern and benefit our members